Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Blind View

We had a very stimulating conversation in staff meeting today. The thought of us walking through life being completely blind to the hurt and lost that walk and live all around us. What stimulates such a conversation? I was in an airport in Atlanta a couple of weeks ago. I had the privilege of helping a blind man get on a plane. He was alone and no one seemed to want to be bothered with his struggles. I thought to myself, "who's more blind? Him or the folks letting him wander in an airport terminal?"

There's a pastor that I love to read and he says, "when we begin to see as Christ sees, then we will do as Christ does." How true is that? So many times we blow through life not even paying attention to what is swirling around us. Shame on us who miss opportunities to minister to the hurting and needy. They are everywhere. We just have be in tuned and walking in the spirit. When we do that who knows the possibilities that will be placed in front of us.

You may be like a coach I heard about one time. He went on a mission trip to Africa. When he arrived to his location with his group he freaked out and never left the hotel. He was seized with fear about going and sharing the gospel with these "pagans". He was afraid for his life. To the point that it made him physically ill. Finally on the last day he decided to go with the group. By the way the group was never allowed in the village they were sent to. The chief of the tribe wouldn't allow it. They would just stand outside of "town" and if anyone wandered out to them they would share with them.

When they arrived that last day the coach told them he was going to just set underneath a shade tree. Just let him know when it was time to leave. While waiting to leave a gentleman from the village set next to him and they began to chat. The coach felt the leading of the spirit to share the gospel. He was beyond fearful, but was obedient in this moment. Low and behold this coach led this man to Christ. By the way it just happened to be the chief of the tribe! The next thing you know the group had full access to the village and they saw an entire community surrender to Christ.

Don't be blind. Be open to whatever God might have for you. You never know you might just change the course of human history for someone.


In Him,



Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Hilarious Video

By the way I had a friend send me this video the other day and I thought it was hilarious. Couldn't be more true.


The World's Gospel

We have recently here at North Pointe started a series called "Letters." We are going to be on rotating basis looking at some of Paul's Epistles in the new testament. We have started in Galatians. I think I chose that letter becasue of Paul's frustration with the believers and thier abandoment of the one true Gospel. Man's gospel if you will.

That got me thinking about the current state of affairs in this old world we live in. Many have anandoned the Gospel for something totally different, and yet claim that because they have done these "great" things they are justified in the eyes of God. One couldn't be more wrong in that.

When you look in Galatians 1: 6-7 and you hear Paul say, "I am astonished that you are so quickly deserting him who called you in the grace of Christ and are turning to a different gospel--not that there is another one, but there are some who trouble you and want to distort the Gospel of Christ."

Could you imagine what he would say today!! We are saved through grace not by works. Could you imagine trying to impress God with your dutiful behavior. It is almost laughable when you think about it. I thank Him every day that it's not about me.

Don't be ashamed of the Gospel. Don't be afraid to speak out and declare the truth. So many times I have set and heard folks play down the Gospel for fear of being too aggressive or offensive. NEWS FLASH Jesus in controversial.

I have found in my 32 short years of life that God is pretty good about honoring the faithful. Be faithful believers. Share the truth, be light, and never back down.

Love you all,
Serve Him with gladness

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

January 4th, 2011: The Year I Blog More!!

I think New Year's Resolutions can be a little bit hokey, but I do believe in creating new disciplines in your life. I have vowed to continue exercising and losing weight, not to freak out every time one of the twins does something unexplainable, or post more to my blog. I noticed this morning that I haven't posted in over a year. That has to be some sort of a record. I hope to use this format as a place where I can share thoughts and ideas of the year. Some will be funny, some may be deep, some may be completely random and from that part of the brain that overrides all things normal, and kicks out something off the wall. I have just allowed space for the Spirit to guide me in this new blogging quest. I hope many of you will come along with me on this magical ride. If not, you may just be missing out. I hope all is well in your 2011 and that you would chase after Christ and allow Him to create new wrinkles in your life this year.

In Him,


Monday, October 19, 2009

Can You Have Church Anywhere?

I just had a wonderful yet brief discussion with our worship pastor here at North Pointe and he made the statement of having church anywhere. We were basing our talk on the experience we had at the U2 concert last night in Norman (by the way AMAZING!!). They chose an arrangement of Amazing Grace and Where the Streets Have No Name. It was a powerfully spiritual experience. I felt the power of the H.S. while is was setting in Memorial Stadium. That usually only happens when the Sooners score!! LOL

I realized that Bono had just led me to throne room of God while I was standing watching a concert. For lack of a better phrase we had church there for a moment. It was just a confirmation in my heart that God is so huge and he can show up and do whatever he wants in my life whenever he wants to do it. He also doesn't care who He uses to impact me. Whether it be as simple as something sweet that one of my girls do, or what a 50 year old Irish rocker does from a stage in the middle of a football field.

Obviously being connected to a body of believers is important and vital to your spiritual growth. Unfortunately for some that is the end all be all of there spiritual experiences for the week. People fail to realize God moving in and out of time and space. People He isn't contained to your church on Sunday mornings. Believe it or not God is doing things in other places as well.

I don't know those are just some thoughts after a really good concert where for me... God showed up.


Monday, October 12, 2009

Student Outreach

You know what is one of the greatest things in the world? Seeing students start thinking about ways they can interact with their lost friends. I'm watching a young 7th grade girl right now text a girl that she knows is lost. She is asking her some questions about how she can come to know the world. How call is that. Watching them put their testimonies online. That is cool stuff.

If you are reading this and you haven't ever given your life to Christ there is a website you can check out. www.code2life.com

here's also some simple scripture that you can check out... see how much God loves you

Romans 3:23
Romans 6:23
Romans 10: 9-10
Romans 5:8
John 3;3
2 Corinthians 5:15
Revelation 3:20

if you don't have a bible google them or go to biblegateway.com

Greatest Decision You'll Ever Make!!!!!!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Good Morning Holy Spirit....

OK.. here we go. I've recently been in a mode that is a little unfamiliar to me. That is one of exploration and wonder. All this is coming from a recent book purchase of mine title "Forgotten God" by Francis Chen. It is an incredible read (of which I'm not finished). How many of us have in say the last year have actually engaged the HOLY SPIRIT. You have felt his presence, you have sought his council, and prayed that he stood in your behalf when it comes to God the Father and Christ the Son. We have to remember they are all equal yet all separate (i.e. the trinity which means three not two.)

It's easy to think about father and son, it's tough to think about mystical third guy known as the spirit. That is what Christ left for us. Not himself, not the father he left the spirit. Check out Acts some time. They disciples are setting around in a room waiting on this "one" that is coming. they didn't know who, where, or what that would look like. When he came though it was a powerful thing. We are talking rushing wind and tongues of fire baby!!!!

How in the world did this rag tag group get it done in the first century. Hello...it was through the spirit. Check out 2 Peter at the end of the first chapter he hits the nail right on the head. This is the working of the spirit through human hands. We can't do this stuff called life and ministry on our own. The H.S. gives us the gumption to make it happen.

Unfortunately we as conservative followers of Christ struggle with the mention of things unknown and somewhat magical in nature. That is what the H.S. is all about. There are people being raised from the dead, being set free from prison, and financial needs being met. Sounds like the new testament, but it things that are happening right now all over the globe. The H.S. is at work all around us, and I think for me and for you it is time that we quit avoiding it and start engaging it. My challenge to you... Get to know the third leg of the trinity. He't pretty cool too.

just some thoughts...