Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Hilarious Video

By the way I had a friend send me this video the other day and I thought it was hilarious. Couldn't be more true.

The World's Gospel

We have recently here at North Pointe started a series called "Letters." We are going to be on rotating basis looking at some of Paul's Epistles in the new testament. We have started in Galatians. I think I chose that letter becasue of Paul's frustration with the believers and thier abandoment of the one true Gospel. Man's gospel if you will.

That got me thinking about the current state of affairs in this old world we live in. Many have anandoned the Gospel for something totally different, and yet claim that because they have done these "great" things they are justified in the eyes of God. One couldn't be more wrong in that.

When you look in Galatians 1: 6-7 and you hear Paul say, "I am astonished that you are so quickly deserting him who called you in the grace of Christ and are turning to a different gospel--not that there is another one, but there are some who trouble you and want to distort the Gospel of Christ."

Could you imagine what he would say today!! We are saved through grace not by works. Could you imagine trying to impress God with your dutiful behavior. It is almost laughable when you think about it. I thank Him every day that it's not about me.

Don't be ashamed of the Gospel. Don't be afraid to speak out and declare the truth. So many times I have set and heard folks play down the Gospel for fear of being too aggressive or offensive. NEWS FLASH Jesus in controversial.

I have found in my 32 short years of life that God is pretty good about honoring the faithful. Be faithful believers. Share the truth, be light, and never back down.

Love you all,
Serve Him with gladness

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

January 4th, 2011: The Year I Blog More!!

I think New Year's Resolutions can be a little bit hokey, but I do believe in creating new disciplines in your life. I have vowed to continue exercising and losing weight, not to freak out every time one of the twins does something unexplainable, or post more to my blog. I noticed this morning that I haven't posted in over a year. That has to be some sort of a record. I hope to use this format as a place where I can share thoughts and ideas of the year. Some will be funny, some may be deep, some may be completely random and from that part of the brain that overrides all things normal, and kicks out something off the wall. I have just allowed space for the Spirit to guide me in this new blogging quest. I hope many of you will come along with me on this magical ride. If not, you may just be missing out. I hope all is well in your 2011 and that you would chase after Christ and allow Him to create new wrinkles in your life this year.

In Him,
